


Who are we ?


The company Granulatex was created in 2001 by the Morand family, to get involved in an ecological approach.

    In 2004, it joined the group Aliapur. 

    Granulatex is an approved collector of Aliapur for certain french departments (Ain, Jura, Savoie and Haute-Savoie). 

    We collect, sort and revalue tyres. 

    The aim is to control the tyres' environmental impact by offering them a second life. 







    Granulatex has decided to become a contributor for the environment by collecting, sorting and enhancing tyres. 

   We are continully seeking to improve ourselves both socially and in Research & Development to find new ways of valuing.


We are thankful for our collaboration with Aliapur and their trust, which allows us to do a regulated work and lets us the opportunity to develop ourselves. 








We set all up to ensure the proper functioning of the company both on a material and human scale.  



Our site is 27 300 m2 big, we work with 10 lorries, 10 trailers and almost 450  containers that are between 35 to 43 m3 of  holding capacity.    

So far, we are employing 29 people for our activity.    










      ! Offer : small price shred !

    Mix shred with all-coming: soil and rocks.
   Almost 160 m3 available.

   Reusable shredded passenger car tyres, picked up on a building site in Savoie.
   Density: 600 kg/m3.

   Rock bottom price => on demand with or without transport.







Shred sale        

Shredded tyres are sheard pieces of used tyres.     
The shreds come from passenger car tyres or truck tyres.    
Dimensions: Small = from 0 to 110 mm - Large from 0 to 220 mm.    

0 / 110 Shred : price on request.
Quote request on "Demande de devis".